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Cricket, often referred to as the “gentleman’s game”, is a sport with deep historical roots and a rich tapestry of traditions. Despite its overwhelming popularity, particularly in countries like India, Australia, and England, there are many facets of the game that remain under the radar for even the most passionate fans. Let’s uncover some of these lesser-known facets

1. The Longest Test Match

The Longest Test Match

In March 1939, the cricketing world witnessed an unparalleled event: a Test match between England and South Africa that went on for 10 days. The game, held in Durban, still couldn’t find a winner and had to be declared a draw, not because the teams were exhausted, but because the English side had to catch their boat back home!

2. Origins of the International Game

Origins of the International Game

While England is the undisputed birthplace of cricket, the first official international match wasn’t played on English soil or between two major cricketing nations. It was instead contested between the United States and Canada in 1844, more than 30 years before the first Test match.

3. Ducks in Different Shades

Ducks in Different Shades

Batsmen getting out without scoring is often referred to as a “duck”, owing to the zero’s resemblance to a duck’s egg. But there’s more nuance to it. A “golden duck” is when a batsman is dismissed on the first ball he faces. A “diamond duck” is even rarer, given to a batsman dismissed on the first ball of the team’s innings.

4. The Evolution of ODI Cricket

The Evolution of ODI Cricket

One-Day Internationals (ODIs) saw a significant change in the late 1970s. The red ball and white uniforms were replaced with a white ball and coloured clothing to facilitate day-night matches. This change not only enhanced visibility but also added a colourful dimension to the sport.

5. The Art of Switch-Hitting

The Art of Switch-Hitting

Modern cricket has seen the evolution of batsmanship with shots like the switch-hit, introduced by innovative players like Kevin Pietersen. This shot, which involves changing one’s stance just as the bowler is about to deliver, has been a topic of debate regarding its legality and spirit.

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6. The Secondary Pitch

The Secondary Pitch

While the main pitch garners all the attention during a match, there exists a secondary pitch, often used for practice sessions before the start of play. This ensures the main pitch remains in optimal condition.

7. MCC’s Gender Barrier

MCC's Gender Barrier

The Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), the custodian of cricket’s laws, had a policy that restricted women from becoming members. This policy, which existed at Lord’s Cricket Ground, one of the sport’s iconic venues, was only changed in 1999, marking a significant step towards inclusivity.

8. Protective Helmets

Protective Helmets

Cricket, especially facing fast bowlers, always had its dangers. Yet, for a large part of its history, batsmen faced bowlers without any protective helmets. In the 1970s, after several nasty injuries, helmets were introduced. Dennis Amiss was among the pioneers in adopting this crucial safety gear.

9. Crafting the Cricket Ball

Crafting the Cricket Ball

A cricket ball’s journey from raw materials to the final shiny red or white sphere is fascinating. With a core made of cork, layered with string, and encased in leather, the ball is a masterpiece of craft that’s essential for the game’s dynamics.

10. Cricket’s World Cup’s Humble Beginning

Cricket's World Cup's Humble Beginning

The inaugural Cricket World Cup in 1975 was a far cry from the grand spectacle we see today. Played in England, the matches were 60 overs a side and were contested in traditional white clothing with a red ball. This event laid the foundation for what has become one of the most-watched sporting events globally.

From its historical origins to its ever-evolving nature in the modern era, cricket offers a plethora of stories and intricacies. As fans immerse themselves in thrilling matches, these lesser-known aspects add layers to their understanding and appreciation of this majestic sport.

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